The production

We have 12 hectares of land in Gavorrano, in the province of Grosseto, we cultivate about 1000 olive trees.  Some of these have over a hundred years old.

The plants are of different varieties: Leccino, Frantoiano, Moraiolo, Pendolino, Maurino. The olive harvest is manual, optimized by mechanical aids. We hand pick the olives between October and December. The period depends on how abundant the year's production is. 

The oil mill is located a few kilometers from the olive grove, so we hand pick and cold press the olives a few hours after harvestiong. This greatly benefits the final quality of the product.

An unrefined oil

The extra virgin olive oil we produce is raw and unfiltered, thus keeping intact all the properties and flavors of the olives. In fact, in this type of oil, numerous parts of the fruit are present which make the oil richer in flavor and aroma.


The oil is then "stripped" by natural settling. later, in early spring, we transfer the oil in order to eliminate any precipitate that may otherwise alter the chemical and physical characteristics of the product.